Sunday, 27 March 2011

Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class


In this video, the speaker Thulasiraj Ravilla, the executive director of Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, which works in preventing blindness, gives us information about Dr. Venkataswamy who is the founder of Aravind Eye Care System and methods of working of this organisation.  It was established in 1976 with 11-bed clinic by Dr. V. and he invested his whole life savings and also took some loan for it.  Aravind Eye Care System follows three main things value system, delivery system, and innovation.  In delivery system, Dr. V. followed MacDonald’s delivery system like without discrimination of race and religion produce same product in everywhere in the world.  Similarly, same techniques and methods use to solve the same problem worldwide.  With latest technology, Aravind Eye Care provides eye treatment in the far distant places and they do free surgeries for poor patients who do not able to pay the fee of eye surgeries.  Only 40% patients are able to pay fee for this.  In 1992, they set up their own Aurolab for ophthalmic supplies to make eye treatment affordable.  With community’s participation and financial support and even after doing free surgeries, they still make profit from this eye care system.  The speaker points out different conditions and solutions regarding implementation of eye care policy.  About 1000 surgeries are done by Aravind Eye Care Hospital everyday and give their contribution in solving the problem of blindness.(Word count:234)


I like this informative video very much.  Before watching this video, I was unaware about world famous Aravind Eye Care System in India and even though I am an Indian.  As we all know, India is second largest populated in the world and there are lot of problems in India.  It is not easy for government to avail all facilities in far distant places, but Aravind Eye Care Hospitals do this through proper channel from main base hospital to primary eye care centre.  They transmit data with use of satellite signals through ISRO from VSAT van to base hospital and even they provide telemedicine consultations and free eye surgeries to poor people.  Before coming to Canada, I lived in Northern India and I saw many times that NGOs and private clubs organised free eye checkup camps.  Now, it is clear to me that this whole concept comes from South India (Aravind Eye Care Hospitals).  If government implemented Dr. V’s strategy in other fields, then we will see a new picture of India.  My hat’s off to you Dr. V. for such wonderful job for society and whole humanity.(Word count 188)

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